Tag Archives: closet factory

Happy Halloween and Fall

Happy Halloween to all of our readers! The leaves are falling and the weather is changing…is your garage prepared? If you didn’t already know Closet Factory can design, manufacture and install a custom garage for you!

We’ve said it before and we are going to say it again, the garage is a massive “catch-all” space in the home. The following are some scenarios that you may be able to relate to.

1) You pull into the garage with the kids after a long day of errand running and carpooling. As soon as the car is in park the kids jump out and they kick off their shoes, set down their sports equipment and run into the house. There is no rhyme or reason to the way they throw their belongings around. No one wants to help you unload the groceries and you are tripping over the kids belongings with your arms full trying to rush into the house to provide the kids with a healthy after school snack.

2) Every weekend it never fails, your husband is out in the garage working on some craft or project. Ultimately he is making a mess. After a few hours of digging through tool boxes, using the saw for who knows what and throwing trash on the ground, he decides that he is done and wants to come inside to watch a sports game. He left a complete mess and you are stuck cleaning it up yet again.

3) You have tried time and time again to organize your garage but no matter how many hooks and baskets your buy it just won’t stay organized. The car barely fits and every time you pull in you either run over a toy or hit a bike when you open up your car door. The garage is just to small for your family….

….or is it???

If you can relate to any of the above three scenarios then we think it is time for you to give us a call. We can help you get the bags and toys up off the ground and in a specific space. Your kids can have lockers, your husband’s tools can all have a cabinet and slat wall, your kitchen overflow can be neatly put into cabinets and the bikes and sports equipment can all have a specific spot in the garage and out of the way. Give us a call and let us help you so this winter you only have to worry about getting ice and snow off your car.

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If You Don’t Use It, Lose It!

Purging can be a good thing! Everyday we go into client’s homes and their biggest complaint is they “have too much stuff and nowhere to put it.” While our goal is to make your space more functional for you, sometimes you may need to donate.

Recently, we asked one of our designers to go through her closet and if she couldn’t remember the last time she wore something she had to get rid of it. She apparently had been holding on to somethings for over 6 years! It was an all day task but at the end of the day she was ready to donate over 72 items!!!!!!!!! That is almost a 1/3 of her closet. We asked her how she felt afterwards and her one and only word was “relieved.”

She said she donates to charities all the time but some of her belongings she just couldn’t get rid of. The reason she changed her mind was because she honestly couldn’t remember the last time she wore any of the things she purged.

So our challenge for all of you readers is to go into your closets and don’t come out unless you can honestly say, “I can remember the last time I wore everything in my closet, and it was within a year ago!” Take all of your purged items and either have a garage sale or donate to a local charity. Then give us a call to come and install a fabulous system!

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We Love The Hobbies You Love

Lately, we have been coming across a lot of clients who are in need of hobby organization. Whether they collect, play a game or paint, they have a need and we want to fulfill it. One of our designers, Cassie, recently did a job for a client who likes to play Dungeons and Dragons. He had A LOT of game pieces, over 1,500. They all needed to be housed in the gaming room. Cassie designed two units. One has drawers with dividers so the game pieces and be separated. It also have vertical pull-out bookshelves. The other unit has adjustable shelving and a slid out trashcan.

Check out the pictures and if you have anything like this that you would like done give us a call, 314.961.4300.

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Where Does The Money Go??

This is a little off topic for us but we came across some information and thought it would be interesting to share. The chart below shows how the average American family spends their money per year.

I am sure a lot of you are looking at this and saying, “this can’t possibly be how we spend our money!” Well it is an average, but it is also pretty close to what we all thought when we discussed this topic. We aren’t here to dig into your personal life but there was one interesting section, well interesting for us. The average household spends about $1,800 on clothing per year. I don’t know about you but to us that seemed like a nice chunk of change. Our question is how do you house all that nice, expensive clothing?? Are you just throwing it into the closet hoping it will fit??

Our goal is to double, if not triple your space when we build a custom closet. If you are willing to spend that much on your clothing why not invest in a custom storage unit to keep it nice and neat. Over time you might actually wear EVERYTHING in your closet and not just the same 10 to 15 outfits.

Another interesting statistic is the about 25% of your clothing goes unworn. Giving items to charity is always a nice thing to do but getting a custom closet would also help you be able to actually see everything in your closet. Imagine how easy it would be to get ready every morning if everything had a specific spot! Separate in one section, pants in the next, belts and ties following, then socks and shoes…wouldn’t that be marvelous?!?! We can’t imagine getting ready any other way.

Getting your closet custom designed and manufactured is truly an investment and with our lifetime transferable warranty you know we will stand behind our product! So take some time today and step into your closet. Take a look around, is it a mess? Does it drive you crazy? Do you crave more organization? If you answered yes to one or more of the above questions then it is time you gave us a call or checked out our website. The consultation is free and non obligational so what do you have to lose???

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Closet = Office?

Lately we have had a few clients who needed a closet to be more than just functional for their clothing but they also wanted to be able to do work in the closet. Could you imagine having your closet literally be a “one-stop-shop?”

Well, here at the Closet Factory everything truly is CUSTOM! As an example we will discuss our designer Cassie’s client. Cassie’s client needed her daughter’s reach-in closet to function as a normal closet on one side and an office on the other. Cassie said she was very excited to do this project because her creativity could really shine when creating this unique space. The daughter is going to school to become an architect and needed space to hang her drawings, create her drawings and to store school books and things of that nature. This was a small space but it was totally doable! The mother and daughter reviewed Cassie’s drawing of the closet and fell in love. They chose their custom laminate countertop for the desk area and picked out chrome hooks for the drawings to hang from. It is turning out to be a very interesting project because of how small the closet really is. It just goes to show you that no matter how big or small your space is you can ALWAYS improve it by adding a custom storage system from the Closet Factory!!!

Pictures are soon to come…(as soon as the project is complete).

We really want you to know that no idea is a bad idea and we’ve said it before and we will say it again…the term “cookie-cutter” just isn’t in our vocabulary.

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Dorm Room Daze

It wasn’t too long ago that I, the author of this blog, was in college. However, it has been a while since I was in a dorm. I still remember the small room that I shared with a stranger. Not only did we share the room but we shared the dresser! (I remember being the first in the room so I picked the side with the air conditioning unit. :)) We each had our own make-shift closet but we spilt the dresser. She got the bottom three drawers, because I quickly put my belongings in the top three. It wasn’t ideal but I was ready for the “college experience.” In the year that I spent in the dorm room I was VERY limited on space. I had brought nearly my entire wardrobe because I never knew what I was going to need. I had to get creative with the little storage I had. I don’t know what the standard dorm room looks like now-a-days but I am sure it is along the same lines of what I dealt with so I wanted to give some helpful pointers on how to utilize the space you have! I know I would have loved this information when I was living in my tiny shared room.

1) Make the most of the hanging unit or closet they give you. Use over door hanging for your small items like hairspray, socks, brushes, hats and things of that nature. Utilize ALL the space. The Container Store is great for meeting small storage needs, but if you are limited on funds Wal Mart and Target have items that will help too. Hang as much as possible. When it comes to shoes if you only have a few use the bottom of the unit for show storage. However, if you are anything like I was and brought enough shoes for a small village, get a plastic bin that will fit under the bed and store your shoes in there.

2) As for the dresser or drawers that you are provided, make sure you use this space for your delicate and folded clothing. I know this may appear obvious to some people but you would be amazed at the things I witnessed people storing in their drawers when I was in school.

3) Most schools give you some sort of desk. Use this space ONLY for school related belongings. A few picture frames here and there are fine but the desk really should be used for when you do your school work; after all that is what you are in college for! If you clutter this space with unnecessary items you may feel a little overwhelmed when you sit down to do your homework. Keep this space clear so you can have a clear mind!!!

4) UNDER THE BED!!! Most dorms have high beds so this means under the bed storage. USE EVERY SQUARE INCH!!!!! This is the easiest place to store things and your roommate won’t get frustrated with all you “stuff” if you keep it put away. I went out and purchased long plastic bins with lids. I put my out of season clothing and sweat shirts and pants in them so I could use my hanging space for my nicer clothes. It is up to you how you use this space but really take advantage of it all.

These were just a few things I wanted to point out for all of the new college students. Feel free to add comments or questions!

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Stress, Stress GO AWAY!!!!

We all have it, most of us dislike it, and we are almost always looking for ways to minimize it…Yes, readers it is stress. It comes in all different sizes and for some it is a motivator while others become overwhelmed by it. Stress in ways is a slippery slope. If you have a little it is a good thing but too much might cause you to lose control. Through out this post we hope you become informed on simple ways to de-stress yourself.

We are going to focus on 5 topics to de-stress: MOVE, BREATHE, EAT, RELAX, SLEEP.


It is important to keep yourself active. Stress sets off a lot of different chemicals in your brain that, for lack of a better explanation, amp you up. The effect the chemicals can cause vary for different people but a common reaction is panic or being overwhelmed. In order to counteract these chemicals it is a good idea to MOVE. Exercise releases endorphins (and if you have ever seen Legally Blonde you would know that “endorphins make you happy, and happy people don’t just kill people!” Courtesy of Elle Woods). So get moving, go swimming, hiking, walking, running or whatever gets you moving! We promise it will help calm you down and you may actually be able to clear your mind for a little while. 🙂


Breathing is essential for our survival but it is also beneficial when it comes to de-stressing. A lot of people start breathing heavier and faster when they become worked up or stressed. Next time you feel this coming on the first thing to so is remain calm. Then start breathing slower and finally become more focused on your breathing. Listen to your inhale, through your nose, and then your long exhale, through your mouth. Concentrate on the rhythm and make sure your deep breaths are coming from your diaphragm or in lamens terms, your belly.

3) EAT

This really is a key element to finding out what you do when you are stressed. Stress can cause breakouts in your skin, weight gain and so many other problems. A lot of this can be attributed to what you eat when you are stressed. Think about it for a minute…Do you grab the closest “munching” snack like chips or candy? Don’t beat yourself up a lot of people do. However, may not be for the salt or sugar; it can actually be because of that crunching sound. So grab carrots or apples next time you need to munch on something to help get you through a stressful time. Also watch what you are eating through out the day because good nutrition leads to a better life. You will have more energy if you eat well and you will start to feel better. It is also important to not eat too late. When you eat late your body is working hard to burn off the calories. However, most of us go to bed at night and going to bed right after you eat can lead to a restless night; which in turn can lead to more stress.


“Relax don’t do it when you want to go to it…” We know that Frankie Goes to Hollywood probably wasn’t talking about the same thing as we are but that line still stands true here. Relax when you are stressed. Don’t face a project head on with a lot of bottled up stress or tension. Take a minute calm down then go to the project when you know you are able to do it with a clear and focused mind. Always remember to take a bit of time everyday to relax a little. Wether it be on your commute to/from work with your radio blaring and your windows down, or a nice stroll around the building during your lunch break, just take the time.


Sleep is so important and too many people over look this. You need quality sleep. Many people do not need the recommended 8 hours as long as the sleep they do get is quality. Try sleeping in a darkened room and if you need to get up in the middle of the night avoid eye contact with the clock. This will add onto your stress about how little sleep you have left and then you won’t be getting the quality you need.

We hope this helps you calm down a little. Feel free to comment or ask questions. And remember that if your lack of organization is giving you stress, we can help!!! Call 314.961.4300 for a free consultation or visit our website

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Ring, Ring Goes the School Bell!

It is that time again, back to school. The kids will soon be running around the house at 6 am looking for their homework, lunch, show and tell, and everything else they forgot to put together the night before. That is where ‘super-mom’ steps in swooping up all the book bags, books and much more. It seems like during the school year your super hero strengths exceed your expectations. How do you do it??? Well we were pretty curious how mothers stay so together this time of year and the response we got is that they really weren’t and they could use some tips on how to get to the “put together” stage. So give your flying cape and wonder woman boots a rest and sit back and take note of the list of tips and ideas we have gathered on how to be a more organized mom during the school year and beyond!

1) To start things off, Closet Factory offers a wide variety of systems we could make for you according to your needs. For instance we could build a locker system for your home. Everyone would have their own cubbie designed with shelves, drawers, hooks or baskets; depending on your needs.

2) The second suggestion that we have to offer is creating a calendar. In one of our designer’s homes every person is designated a different color on the giant family calendar. Everyone writes their work schedules, important homework assignments, practices, or other events in their designated color so anyone can glance at the calendar to figure out where someone is at. Everyone will remember things easier this way and your family can keep one another on track.

3) Keeping in theme with the color coordination, if you have multiple children it might prove to be helpful to color coordinate them in a sort. We recommend starting with the book bag. Let every child pick out the color of book bag they would like (make sure everyone gets a different color), next find a lunch box that matches the book bag. If your children are all in after school activities you might want to coordinate their after school bag as well. Next go to the school supplies and have your children get what is needed for their class and if at all possible stay with the color theme. Like pencil bags, notebooks, and folders.

4) We came across a wonderful idea from education.com. It is a Homework Caddy.

What You Need:
•A plastic “tool caddy” with a sturdy carrying handle and at least one pocket large enough for a clipboard, and several small pockets the right size for pens. (Note: you can find these at both hardware stores and craft stores)
•Clipboard with two kinds of paper: binder paper and plain white paper
•Pens, pencils, colored pencils, pencil sharpener
•6” ruler
•Glue Stick
•Small stapler
•Tape Dispenser
•5×8” Index card
•Optional: sticky-back felt shapes and glitter glue
What to Do:
1.To get started, invite your child to decorate the outside of her caddy. If she makes it personal and makes it snazzy, it’s much more likely that this practical homework helper will be used a lot! Have your child write her name on the 5×8” index card, and decorate it brightly with colored markers, foam stickers and glitter glue if she likes.
2.Tape it securely to the front of the caddy.
3.Load up! The biggest pouch of your caddy will hold the clipboard, a crucial part of the kit. Choose a clipboard in a color your child likes (and consider decorating it, too—see our related activity!), and load it with several sheets of paper.
4.Place extra paper upright in the caddy, behind the clipboard, so it’s convenient for future use.
5.Pens and pencils are also crucial parts of the kit. For subjects like math and science or for first drafts of essays, there’s nothing like good old fashioned erasable pencil—but be sure to pack in a manual pencil sharpener for emergencies. For final essay drafts, blue and black pen is usually required, so include those as well. Finally, make sure you’ve included a generous pack of colored pencils or pens. Throughout elementary school, kids draw as well as write, and when lab sciences start in middle and high school, they’ll just keep going. You and your child can load her kit together and decide where she would like things and why.
6.Finally, you’ll need to add those other basic tools that your child may not use all the time, but are still good to have on hand: a 6” ruler, small stapler, small pair of scissors, white-out, and a roll of tape. You can do all the shopping together when you’re stocking up.
7.Keep the caddy in a convenient spot, on shelf or table, and invite your child to pull it out whenever it’s homework time. No matter where she flops, you can relax: she’ll have what she needs to get the job done!

For more information click on the link.

5) To help your children’s minds get better prepared for school create or have them create flash cards going over key things they learned during last school year. You can also make flash cards with things they will learn this year and use them through out the school year to help them remember the information.

6) Start a before school schedule. Have the children wake up and start the routine. That way everyone will know what time they need to be ready by every morning and if by chance they sleep in there won’t be a lot of running around cray because they will eventually become creatures of habit and get used to the routine. Also, get everyone used to putting everything together the night before so there won’t be a need to rush around in the morning.

7) Start an after school schedule and get the kids used to it now. If snack time and down time are right after school then make that number one. Put things in an order that make sense for your family and get the habit started.

For more tips on getting ready for school check out our Facebook page: Closet Factory STL

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Feel A Little Crammed Packed???

We totally understand! We are experts at getting your home to look and feel organized. This week’s topic is how to manage and organize small spaces. There are so many places in the home that would be considered a “small space” so we will just be talking in general terms. You can take the information and tweak it to meet the needs of your small space.

The number one thing to remember while reading this is that simplicity is key.

Depending on what type of room you are trying to organize, you should look for multifunctional furniture. For instance, a Murphy bed folds up into the wall so it can look like a nice piece of furniture and then when you need it to, it will fold down into a bed. Other ideas are, storage ottomans, using a large trunk as a coffee table and store blankets or things that are not used often inside, and you can use old, trendy suitcases to store out of season clothing in and use for end tables or decoration.

An easy trick to try is using mirrors in the small room. A mirror or multiple mirrors will give the illusion of more space. A quick solution to avoid cluttering a small area is to avoid paper clutter. Throw out junk mail, old magazines, and newspapers. If you really wanted to keep an article then tear it out or make a copy of it and file it away. There is no need to keep “excess junk.”

You should take full advantage of all “hidden” storage spaces when dealing with small rooms. Under the couch, table, and bed are great places to put things away that you do not need sitting out. Also remember to use all the vertical space you can. Shelving will always help a small space be more functional!!

Hopefully these few tips help you. For more tips visit out Facebook Page or Website!

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Get the Craft Room of Your Dreams!

When setting up your craft room it is important to follow these steps:

1) Think 2) Evaluate 3) Shop 4) Re-think 5) Respond.


During this step you need to think about your dream craft room. Does it need a space to wrap gifts, scrapbook, sew, paint, make pottery, etc.??? We know that most of you wear numerous hats and are talented in many aspects of your life which require you to have some sort of workspace. We want to help you develop your dream space, so our suggestion is to have unlimited ideas and don’t think about money at first; just think of what your dream space would be and write all of your ideas and wants.


The evaluation step is when you sit down and evaluate your space, still DO NOT consider your budget. Since you have all your dreams written down think about how you could set this up in the room. If you are having trouble at this point you have a couple of options; you could search the internet for ideas (which wouldn’t necessarily be the best idea because it can be a little overwhelming), the option that we feel is the best would be to give us a call. Our consultations are non-obligational and we really do know our stuff. We like to say that our designers are masters at “stuffology.” They will sit down with you and talk about all of your wants and then design something that will make your dreams a reality. You can always scale down the design but think big first, then think realistically.

Now that you have all your ideas figured out, think of zones. Everything you want needs a zone. It will make you more efficient and it will be easier to keep organized. This really is the key to your craft room because it narrows it down to everything you will need and how much space you are really going to need.


Now that you have your ideas planned out and your zones designated it is time to shop around. Go to stores like the Container Store and gather ideas, but really try not to buy anything just yet. Walk through the isles of your favorite craft stores and write down different suggestions and anything else you deem helpful. This will also help you find out what you forgot about in the previous steps.

Hopefully you come home empty-handed because you still are not ready to buy. We do offer various organizational ideas for craft rooms like ribbon holders, open storage, desk organizers, and so much more. Check out our website for more information or our Facebook page. We are not trying to sell you our product in this post though, we are more interested in just giving you some ideas by sharing examples of our work.


Now that you have all the ideas you will need it is time to sit down and think them through. You need to figure out what you want most and then look at the cost. Yes, money matters now. You should narrow your wants down to where they fit in your budget. Remember to shop with coupons, you will get more of what you want this way and save money!!!! Once your list of what your craft room should entail is narrowed down into what you can afford and exactly what you want, it is time to move to the next step.


The final step is to respond to your thoughts and ideas. If you did set up a consultation with us respond to us and let us know what you are thinking. You should make all of your decisions and then start putting your room together.

Hopefully this post helps you decide on the craft room of your dreams and remember that we are always here to help, call 314.961.4300.

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